The Effect Of Learning Style, Home Environment And School Environment On Academic Achievement Of Ninth Standard Students Of English Medium Schools Of Raipur City - A Study

Suhail Ahmed Khan, Khan Farhat Unnisa
2017 Zenodo  
This paper focuses on learning style, school environment and home environment in relation to academic achievement. The research was carried out in Raipur city on a sample of 50 IX standard students. Learning styles of students was measured by Styles of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) by D. Venkataraman. Home Environment and School Environment was measured by the Inventory prepared by Dr. Karuna Shankar Mishra. The research finding revealed that there is very low, negative & negligible
more » ... between academic achievement & home environment. Study also revealed that school environment and academic achievement have positive but very low relationship. It is also found that there is significant difference between the academic achievement of students learned by right & left hemisphere but there is no significant difference between the academic achievement of boys & girls students learned either by right hemisphere or left hemisphere.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.291801 fatcat:viiyd5s7wrdlphx6nckx2lqpyu