Acknowledgments [chapter]

2019 Boccherini's Body  
a c k n o w l e d g m e n t s Surely, the true importance of a project like this lies in the wonderful human contacts for which it has served as pretext. Herewith, my heartfelt thanks, served up in alphabetical order. To the American Council of Learned Societies, for generous fellowship assistance, without which the book would never have been written. To Wendy Allanbrook, whose work and mentoring profoundly and forever changed how I hear and understand eighteenth-century music. To the American
more » ... usicological Society Subvention Fund, which made possible the editing and mastering of the CD bound into this book. To the anonymous readers for UC Press, for their meticulous and perspicacious reading of drafts early and late; and to one particular anonymous reader of a later, "final" draft, whose strenuous objections to the manuscript (and eventual recusal from the project) triggered major revisions; this is a much better book as a result. To my fellow members of the Artaria String Quartet, Elizabeth Blumenstock, Katherine Kyme, and Anthony Martin, for their beautiful playing in the recorded examples of quartet music and their willingness to be paraphrased and fictionalized in chapter 6; and for cheerfully putting up with years of alternate pontificating and woolgathering on my part.
doi:10.1525/9780520930629-004 fatcat:sr53tao5snbnlavbv5temsxcd4