Bilingualism And Sapir-Whorf: An Implementation Of Applied Linguistics In Writing Class

2013 Zenodo  
Bilingualism relates to mastery in two languages or more. Meanwhile, Sapir Whorf hypothesis relates to linguistics relativity. According to Sapir Whorf hypothesis in linguistics relativity, language and mind have relationship. In other words, people who speak different language, they will have different thought in viewing the universe. When we combine the concept of bilingualism and Sapir Whorf Hypothesis, we will find that someone who can be master in two languages or more, he or she will have
more » ... large thought in viewing the universe because of the language that he or she is master. In other words, someone who is master in two languages or more, he or she will have many ideas in viewing the world. This condition can help a teacher in teaching writing and also can help the students in writing process.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1130833 fatcat:xoq7dhw72jcp5gljso4ryvrihu