Plasmonic nano-arrays for ultrasensitive bio-sensing

Jing Jiang, Xinhao Wang, Shuang Li, Fei Ding, Nantao Li, Shaoyu Meng, Ruifan Li, Jia Qi, Qingjun Liu, Gang Logan Liu
2018 Nanophotonics  
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and localized SPR (LSPR) effects have been shown as the principles of some highlysensitive sensors in recent decades. Due to the advances in nano-fabrication technology, the plasmon nano-array sensors based on SPR and LSPR phenomena have been widely used in chemical and bioloical analysis. Sensing with surface-enhanced field and sensing for refractive index changes are able to identify the analytes quantitatively and qualitatively. With the newly developed
more » ... nsitive plasmonic biosensors, platforms with excellent performance have been built for various biomedical applications, including point-of-care diagnosis and personalized medicine. In addition, flexible integration of plasmonics nano-arrays and combining them with electrochemical sensing have significantly enlarged the application scenarios of the plasmonic nano-array sensors, as well as improved the sensing accuracy.
doi:10.1515/nanoph-2018-0023 fatcat:754vbjylkvbmtd63bz4ssywtqy