Thermal Evolution and Differentiation of Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt Objects

M. C. De Sanctis, M. T. Capria, A. Coradini
2001 Astronomical Journal  
The outer solar system region, known as Kuiper Belt, should contain primitive bodies, probably among the most primitive objects of the solar system. They seem to be volatile rich objects showing strong relation to comets: the Kuiper belt is probably the source of most short period comets and Centaurs. The Kuiper belt objects could still contain ices and organic compounds with the same proportion as in the epoch of their formation from the primordial solar nebula. Thermal models of bodies moving
more » ... on Kuiper belt orbits have been developed to follow their evolution and differentiation and to better understand the relations between them and the short period comets and Centaurs.
doi:10.1086/320385 fatcat:x7dt3bh3lnggro5rh2ampf7uv4