A Preliminary Validation Study on the K-BBRS-2 for Young Children
한국 유아용 Burks 행동평정척도(K-BBRS-2) 타당화를 위한 예비연구

KyungOk Lee, Sae nee Oh, Hye jin Shim, Sanghee Lee
2016 Korean Journal of Childcare and Education  
The purpose of this study was to provide initial information aboutthe reliability and validity of the Korean version of the BBRS-2(Burks Behaviors Rating Scales, Second Edition).Data were collected for 217 children aged 3-5. K-BBRS-2 consists of a total of 93 questions in 7 factors. The results were as follows. First, internal consistency of the7 factors ranged from 0.81 to 0.94.Results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the 7-factor model presented in the original tool was the
more » ... ost appropriate. Second, children's maladaptive behavior in Korea based on K-BBRS-2 indicated evidence of validity with a meaningful correlation with children's self-esteem and peer relationships. Third Korean children's maladaptive behavior was not to have significant difference by age of children. The conclusion was that it is not necessary to calculate independent norms for age. Also, when considering gender differences, it was shown that maladaptive behavior appears more in boys than girls. K-BBRS-2 is expected to be utilized as a suitable tool for measuring the maladaptive behavior of Korean children. A nationwide standardized study for Korean children and further research with clinical groups is needed.
doi:10.14698/jkcce.2016.12.03.159 fatcat:glbuczwv2zderozeoyib7i3lmq