The Footwear Online Shopping Experience: Word of Mouse Tell How e-Service Quality Enhance Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Nanis Susanti Nanis Susanti
2013 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
This study reveals and illustrates how online store customer's perspective about e-Service Quality, e-Satisfaction and e-Loyalty, as expressed in online customer reviews. The discussion associated with the online shopping phenomenon for the search good and experience good category in apparel product lines -especially shoes. Using data from's customer reviews, interpretive analysis which focused on customer evaluations of the service quality, and how the customer connect it to
more » ... tion and loyalty. Data with review depth of more than 15 lines within 18 months period (January 2011 -March 2012 was used to reveal the customer's perspective of the studied dimensions.
doi:10.9790/487x-0945361 fatcat:3mtwffciwzfsvbiukxg52xv5bu