On the 27-Day Recurrence of the Cosmic-Ray Diurnal Variation

Sekiko YOSHIDA, Ichiro KONDO
1954 Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity  
27-day recurrence of the cosmic-ray diurnal variation was found from the analysis of the data observed at Huancayo during the period 1936-1940. Similar analysis was done on the daily mean values of cosmic-ray intensity and geomagnetic activities. Among them the recurrence of the cosmic-ray diurnal variation was the most persistent, and that of the daily mean cosmic-ray intensity was the next. It was suggested that the most of the cosmic-ray diurnal variation may be interpreted as the storm effect.
doi:10.5636/jgg.6.15 fatcat:vkeb3ryj4faplj5cjgghdspc5q