Masani Srinivasulu, Srinivasa Pedamalla, Rao
International Journal
A society that strives to improve itself must be keenly aware of its social problems. The social problems are a result of the failure of a society to adopt its social institutions and culture to its growing needs. Social work is a professional service, based on scientific knowledge and skill in human relations, which helps individuals, groups or communities obtain social or personal satisfaction and independence. The term "Social Welfare" has a broader meaning than professional social work.
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... al problems, deprivations, poverty, suffering and social disorganizations have existed through history. No country and no society were free from this phenomena. Until the 19 th century, societal institutions such as the family, the church, the guilds and the community were able to deal with all but the most over whelming social catastrophes. The un remedied problems are a potent and major source social conflict. The lives of all members of a social group are directly or indirectly affected by this conflict. Man from his very infancy goes after security. The greater the social gulf within the society, the lesser is the social security and greater the social disorganization. Irrespective of the causes of social .inequality or unequal distribution of opportunity the fact remains that every social' group has members whose plight calls for serious attention and vigorous social action to overcome the defects in order to restore a state of social equilibrium within the society. The concept of social welfare is essentially dynamic. The traditions have been changing from time to time. Accordingly, the objectives and methods of social welfare have also been changing. The approach to social welfare work these days is more collective and aims at achieving public good. Social welfare is a specialised work undertaken for the benefit of the weaker and more vulnerable sections of the population and would include social services for the benefit of the Scheduled Caste. The social problems poverty, sickness suffering and social disorganization have existed throughout human history.