Radiation-enhanced channel length modulation induced by trapped charges in buried oxide layer

Xin Xie, Huilong Zhu, Mengying Zhang, Dawei Bi, Zhiyuan Hu, Zhengxuan Zhang, Shichang Zou
2019 IEICE Electronics Express  
By skillfully applying the voltage bias, we firstly observed radiation-enhanced channel length modulation (CLM) of main transistor in 130 nm partially-depleted SOI nMOSFETs. And we found the radiationenhanced CLM under Pass-Gate bias is more severe than that under ON bias, which reveals that the radiation-induced positive trapped charges in buried oxide is more responsible for this effect. A partially full depletion model is used to interpret this effect. And a TCAD simulation was used to
more » ... our model. Good agreement between simulation and experiment is demonstrated.
doi:10.1587/elex.16.20190454 fatcat:em3sjbfh4vb7nj76wc6jq7jxre