Apoplastic Synthesis of Nitric Oxide by Plant Tissues

P. C. Bethke
2004 The Plant Cell  
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule in animals and plants. In mammals, NO is produced from Arg by the enzyme NO synthase. In plants, NO synthesis from Arg using an NO synthase-type enzyme and from nitrite using nitrate reductase has been demonstrated previously. The data presented in this report strongly support the hypothesis that plant tissues also synthesize NO via the nonenzymatic reduction of apoplastic nitrite. As measured by mass spectrometry or an NO-reactive
more » ... probe, Hordeum vulgare (barley) aleurone layers produce NO rapidly when nitrite is added to the medium in which they are incubated. NO production requires an acid apoplast and is accompanied by a loss of nitrite from the medium. Phenolic compounds in the medium can increase the rate of NO production. The possible significance of apoplastic NO production for germinating grain and for plant roots is discussed.
doi:10.1105/tpc.017822 pmid:14742874 fatcat:v2rqdh5oqveejlz5djnkbw43hq