Implication of Industrial Security Capacity Based on Level Evaluation
산업보안 역량 수준평가 및 개선방안

Moon Sun Kim, Dae-Seong Jeoune, Kyung H. Nam, Gyu-Ro Kim, Chan-Myeong Han
2013 Journal of the Korean society for quality management  
Purpose: In this study, the actual situation of domestic firms vulnerable to industrial security competence will be discussed. And accordingly be discussed for effective response measures. Methods: Using a structured questionnaire by mail, fax, e-mail and fill method was used respondents. By the end of '10 R&D Center, which holds 15,247 companies(population) among the 95% level of confidence, tolerance ±3% p-level corporate type, sector, region extraction method stratified multi-level companies
more » ... were investigated through the final 1529. Results: The average level of industrial security capabilities 43.8%(out of 100) is very weak, so urgent and positive response measures also need to be investigated sought. Conclusion: we propose the effective management framework and improvement plans to prevent illegal industrial leakage are to be made.
doi:10.7469/jksqm.2013.41.4.649 fatcat:q7jkzakponhvfa6dgvwtkr5vjm