Bone mineral density and vitamin D in paediatric intestinal failure patients receiving home parenteral nutrition
Janne Anita Kvammen, Rut Anne Thomassen, Christina Nicolaisen Kjeserud, Camilla Sæland, Kristin Godang, Jens Bollerslev, Per Medbøe Thorsby, Petur Benedikt Juliusson, Beint Sigmund Bentsen, Christine Henriksen
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Patients with intestinal failure (IF) are dependent on long-term home parenteral nutrition (HPN) to ensure growth and development. The primary aim of the present study was to assess bone mineral density (BMD) and vitamin D status in paediatric IF patients on HPN and a group of healthy children aged 2-18 years. Secondary aims were to assess growth, body composition, nutrient provision and physical activity. An observational cross-sectional study was performed at Oslo University Hospital and at
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... e Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo, from January to September 2017. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA; Lunar Prodigy in IF patients and Lunar iDXA in healthy subjects) was performed to assess BMD and body composition. BMD z-score (BMDz) was calculated for total body and lumbar spine L2-L4 based on the integrated reference population in the software. Weight and height were measured for growth assessment. Nutrient provision was assessed by a 4-day food record. Blood samples were analysed for 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D). Physical activity was reported by a questionnaire. Nineteen IF patients and 50 healthy children were included. The mean age of participants was 10.0 years. The aetiology of IF patients was paediatric intestinal pseudo-obstruction (58%), short bowel syndrome (26%), and intestinal enteropathy (16%). Lower median BMDz for total body (-0.4 vs 1.1, P < 0.001) and lumbar spine L2-L4 (-0.9 vs 0.2, P = 0.01) were found in the IF group compared with the healthy children. Vitamin D provision was significantly higher in IF patients (17 μg/d vs 5.3 μg/d, P < 0.001). Both groups were sufficient in 25(OH)D (IF patients 71 nmol/L vs healthy 81 nmol/L). Nevertheless, IF patients had significantly lower 1,25(OH)2D than healthy children (71 pmol/L vs 138 pmol/L, P < 0.001). The IF group was significantly shorter (height for age z-score -1,5 vs 0,1, P = 0.001) and lighter (weight for age z-score -1,0 vs 0,1, P = 0.009) compared with the healthy subjects. BMIz did not differ; however, body fat percentage was significantly higher in IF patients compared with healthy children (34% vs 25%, P = 0.02). A lower frequency of physical activity was found in the IF group compared with the healthy group (P = 0.001). Paediatric IF patients on HPN had lower BMD, impaired growth, and higher body fat percentage in comparison with the healthy children. Despite a higher total supply of vitamin D in the IF group, the levels of 25(OH)D did not differ. Nevertheless, a significantly lower level of 1,25(OH)2D was found in IF patients. The results raise questions regarding differences between oral and parenteral vitamin D provision and whether intestinal function is important for the metabolism of vitamin D. Clinical Trials AEV2017/1. 2016/391/REK sør-øst B REVISION NUMBER: CLNESP-D-20-00022.