Technology of production of modified food from immunotropic and prebiotic effect

V. M. Kravchenko, A. N. Marteha, I. V. Cheremushkina, Y. A. Novikova
2012 Vestnik Voronežskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Inženernyh Tehnologij  
The article shows the relevance of the work to create technology-modified food, which is well absorbed by the body of animals, hasimmunotropic and prebiotic effect, improves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
doi:10.20914/2310-1202-2012-2-113-115 doaj:b5c4ebae775c48a0be9caf755839d8a2 fatcat:hyntvyjsyja3vnqvsicxo7cr4i