A hierarchical model for distributed collaborative computation in wireless sensor networks

M. Singh, V.K. Prasanna
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium  
Clustering is an important characteristic of most sensor applications. In this paper we define COSMOS, the Cluster-based, heterOgeneouS MOdel for Sensor networks. The model assumes a hierarchical network architecture comprising of a large number of low cost sensors with limited computation capability, and fewer number of powerful clusterheads, uniformly distributed in a two dimensional terrain. The sensors are organized into single hop clusters, each managed by a clusterhead. The clusterheads
more » ... e organized in a mesh-like topology. All sensors in a cluster are time synchronized, whereas the clusterheads communicate asynchronously. The sensors are assumed to have multiple power states and a wake-up mechanism to facilitate power management. To illustrate algorithm design using our model, we discuss implementation of algorithms for sorting and summing in sensor networks. ¤ ¦ ¥ § and © ¥ . Both can take place concurrently since sensor § is not within transmission range of © and is not within transmission range of ¤ . However, sensors ¤ and cannot transmit to © ¢ communication channel(s), which are shared with other sensors within the cluster. In one time step a sensor can transmit or tune to at most one communication channel. 9. The clusterheads have ¤ ¢ communication channel(s). In one time step, a clusterhead can transmit or tune to at most ¢ communication channels. 10. The clusterheads are more powerful than the sensors. Each clusterhead has memory of size ¢ D 9 ! ¡ ¡
doi:10.1109/ipdps.2003.1213310 dblp:conf/ipps/SinghP03 fatcat:soctembuz5dfvephl3w4yf4i5a