Perturbations of Fredholm linear relations in Banach spaces with application to 3×3-block matrices of linear relations

Aymen Ammar, Toka Diagana, Aref Jeribi
2016 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences  
The main focus in this paper consists of extending the main results of Diagana (2015) to linear relations. Moreover, we apply our obtained results to study some properties of 3 × 3-block matrices of linear relations in the form, Namely, we show that under some suitable conditions on relations B, C, F, D, G and H, the relation A is closed if and only if A, E and K are closed. In addition, we show that if A, E, K are Fredholm linear relations, then so is the linear relation A.
doi:10.1016/j.ajmsc.2015.05.001 fatcat:g5kuidrkbrbstlgpcfvzm2beq4