Late-Onset Anaphylaxis Due to Poly (γ-glutamic acid) in the Soup of Commercial Cold Chinese Noodles in a Patient with Allergy to Fermented Soybeans (Natto)

Naoko Inomata, Keishi Chin, Mayumi Nagashima, Zenro Ikezawa
2011 Allergology International  
Fermented soybeans (natto) have been reported to induce IgE-mediated, late-onset anaphylaxis without early-phase responses. However, the relevant allergens of natto allergy have never been identified. Case Summary: A 38-year-old man developed an anaphylactic reaction accompanied by flashing, generalized urticaria, conjunctival redness, and dyspnea 3 hours after ingestion of commercial cold Chinese noodles. He had avoided natto for the past year due to developing several anaphylactic reactions
more » ... lf a day after natto ingestion. The results of skin prick tests (SPTs) were strongly positive for natto and the soup of cold Chinese noodles. Furthermore, SPTs showed positive for poly (γ-glutamic acid) (PGA), which is a major constituent of natto mucilage, alone among all the ingredients of the cold Chinese noodle soup. Therefore, he was diagnosed with late-onset anaphylaxis to PGA contained in natto and the cold Chinese noodle soup. Discussion: These results indicated that in the present case, the relevant allergen of late-onset anaphylaxis may have been PGA in all episodes and that the patient had been sensitized by PGA through natto ingestion. PGA is produced by Bacillus subtilis during fermentation and is a high-molecular, biodegradable polymer. The late onset is therefore, hypothesized to be due to a delayed absorption of PGA, as PGA biodegrades to peptides sufficiently small to be absorbed in the bowel. PGA has recently been applied to a wide range of fields such as foods, cosmetics, and medicine. Therefore, patients with late-onset anaphylaxis to PGA of natto should avoid not only natto but also other materials containing PGA. KEY WORDS anaphylaxis, fermented soybeans (natto), food allergy, late onset, poly (γ-glutamic acid)
doi:10.2332/allergolint.10-cr-0267 pmid:21430437 fatcat:xv4qdbdygvdt7lgz32qqg6zvva