CRM Implementation in Lebanese SMEs: Descriptive Analysis

Lena Saleh, Laura El Saheli
2019 International Journal of Marketing Studies  
SMEs and entrepreneurship are the foundational drivers for the creation of economic value, source of innovation, employment and wealth generation across the globe (Inventis, 2014). The beauty service industry is one of the most flourishing industries in contemporary Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, as versatile demands from men and women have catered to this uplifting growth. A national scandal, however, lead to the suspension of several beauty centers, and conveyed a challenge for competitive
more » ... all-medium enterprises (SME) to sustain relationships with customers over the long-run. The aim of this study was to discover the extent to which CRM is implemented in SMEs, using the case of beauty centers in Beirut, Lebanon. The study employed a quantitative approach where data was collected by means of a questionnaire, from a sample of 103 customers. Four variables, as components of CRM, were measured in this study. Results of the statistical analysis found that SMEs in Lebanon implement CRM strategy to a good extent. This research provides recommendations for strategically improving relationship-oriented practices in Lebanese SMEs, particularly in the beauty sector.
doi:10.5539/ijms.v11n1p76 fatcat:sgt5es5exncjpj7jk24pzqx4xy