2A03 IPS TFT-LCDの特性解析 : 非対称界面アンカリングとしきい値特性
Device Characteristic Analysis of IPS TFT-LCDs : Threshold behavior analysis of IPS mode cells with asymmetrical surfaces

Makoto Yoneya, Katsumi Kondo
1999 Preprints of symposium on liquid crystals  
strength at twe Lc ! subst ・ ate interfaces was investigated by linear stability analysis ・similarity in stability characteristics between the lPS mode and the surface sta 漁 zed 蛋 erroelectric mode was c且 a 雌 ed . The analysis showed that , with parallel rubbing of the twe substrate surfaces , nly the ( symmetric ) switching initialized frorn the center of the liquid − crystal layer will occur even with the asy rnetric surface conditien . 1。 緒 言
doi:10.11538/ekitou.1999.0_304 fatcat:jcit5uv2xjaivhtu7me76rmfba