Термоэлектрические и мемристивные особенности структур Sb-=SUB=-2-=/SUB=-Te-=SUB=-3-=/SUB=-/Sb-=SUB=-2-=/SUB=-S-=SUB=-3-=/SUB=-/Sb-=SUB=-2-=/SUB=-Te-=SUB=-3-=/SUB=- и Ag/Sb-=SUB=-2-=/SUB=-Te-=SUB=-3-=/SUB=-/Ag

А. Папикян, С. Арутюнян, Н. Агамалян, Р. Овсепян, А. Хачатурова, С. Петросян, Г. Бадалян, Е. Кафадарян
2022 Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov  
Single-layer Sb2Te3 films and three-layer Sb2Te3/Sb2S3/Sb2Te3 structures are obtained by thermal vacuum deposition. Their thermoelectric characteristics have been investigated in a wide temperature range (5350 K). It is shown that the conductivity of Sb2Te3/Sb2S3/Sb2Te3 has a semiconductor behavior, the resistivity is an order of magnitude higher than the resistivity of the Sb2Te3 film; the Seebeck coefficient of Sb2Te3/Sb2S3/Sb2Te3 is 1.5 and 3 times higher than the Seebeck coefficient of the
more » ... film and single-crystal Sb2Te3, respectively. The currentvoltage characteristics of the Sb2Te3 film exhibit memristive properties with unipolar resistive switching, whereas Sb2Te3/Sb2S3/Sb2Te3 can be considered as a memristor with a parallel connected capacitance.
doi:10.21883/ftp.2022.03.52126.9770 fatcat:nnszwzejjzfbpcz7erv7owy3ly