Realizing a video environment

William Gaver, Thomas Moran, Allan MacLean, Lennart Lövstrand, Paul Dourish, Kathleen Carter, William Buxton
1992 Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '92  
At EuroPARC, we have been exploring ways to allow physically separated colleagues to work together effectively and naturally. In this paper, we briefly discuss several examples of our work in the context of three themes that have emerged the need to support the fidl range of shared work, the desire to ensure privacy without giving up unobtrusive awareness; and the possibility of creating systems which blur the boundaries between people, technologies and the everyday world.
doi:10.1145/142750.142754 dblp:conf/chi/GaverMMLDCB92 fatcat:vmjx64lvr5edda2xhyvqlksrbi