Weyl structures for parabolic geometries

Andreas Čap, Jan Slovák
2003 Mathematica Scandinavica  
Motivated by the rich geometry of conformal Riemannian manifolds and by the recent development of geometries modeled on homogeneous spaces $G/P$ with $G$ semisimple and $P$ parabolic, Weyl structures and preferred connections are introduced in this general framework. In particular, we extend the notions of scales, closed and exact Weyl connections, and Rho-tensors, we characterize the classes of such objects, and we use the results to give a new description of the Cartan bundles and connections for all parabolic geometries.
doi:10.7146/math.scand.a-14413 fatcat:mttkmdxmynbz7fc6tns6tadx2m