Performance Evaluation of Ordinary Portland Cement with GGBFS and Portland Slag Cement at Same GGBFS Replacement Level in Concrete

Ramesh Babu Chokkalingam, Manikandan Rajakannu, M. Raza Ul Mustafa, I. Bin Othman, M. Latheef, D. Bayu Endrayana, N. Zulaikha Bt Yusof
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Literature review indicates that the usage of mineral admixtures (Fly ash, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Silica Fume and Rice Husk ash) significantly improves the durability of concrete structures. Though it is reported as best alternative materials for improving durability of concrete structures, it was not very well received in government projects in India till 1990. However, for the past two decades, the usage of mineral admixtures directly or in the form of blended cement in
more » ... have significantly increased. Major concern of using mineral admixtures which was persisting among majority of the Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) users are (i) delayed setting and strength gain, affecting the rate of construction, (ii) inconsistent in quality of mineral admixtures, mostly happened in site blending (iii) no established results pertains to Indian condition. In India, mostly the usage of mineral admixtures in concrete are used as a replacement for OPC, specifically in Ready Mix Concrete and site batching plant. However, few literature have reported that usage of mineral admixtures in the form of blended cement which is made at cement manufacturing plant by either intergrinding or blending will exhibits better concrete properties due to consistent quality and better quality control practice followed. Hence, the authors have undertaken this study to investigate the performance of mineral admixtures (only GGBFS) as direct replacement materials and as blended cement in concrete. In order to understand in detail, both as replacement of OPC and in the form of PSC, was undertaken on various cement content in concrete, i.e., 300, 320, 340, 360, 380 kg/m 3 . Results of compressive strength at various age of curing indicates that usage of GGBFS in the form of Portland Slag Cement (PSC) shows better performance than as a replacement of OPC in concrete.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201820306004 fatcat:5yyyp7znonfchekz7ddhqa6xtu