Modelling and ZVS control of an isolated three-phase bidirectional AC-DC converter

Felix Jauch, Jurgen Biela
2013 2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE)  
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Swisselectric Research and the Competence Center Energy and Mobility (UFCEV project) very much for their strong financial support of the research work. Abstract This paper presents an isolated three-phase bidirectional AC-DC converter with a novel modulation strategy that enables Zero-Voltage-Switching (ZVS) for all switches over the whole AC line period. The AC-DC converter allows the direct coupling of a three-phase AC system with a DC port
more » ... ing a single high-frequency transformer. A novel modelling approach for the power flows and the derivation of the control variables under ZVS conditions are provided. The design of components including loss models and simulation results of a 11 kW electric vehicle battery charger to connect to the 230 V rms , 50 Hz mains considering a battery voltage range of 380 V to 540 V validate the theoretical analysis.
doi:10.1109/epe.2013.6634323 fatcat:xw5met3dxjcxfkr5ygnlpp46re