Size at onset of sexual maturity and onset of spawning in female Panulirus homarus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae) in Sri Lanka

DS Jayakody
1989 Marine Ecology Progress Series  
The average length at which female spiny lobsters Panulirus homarus attain sexual maturity was determined in Sri Lanka from 1986 to 1988 by observing changes in length of the tail, which later provldes the substratum for attachment of fertilized eggs. Results were confirmed by observing the presence of spermatophores on the females' sternum. The slze at onset of oviposition (spawning) was estimated by considering the '50 % ovlgerous' level Results indicate that female P. homarus attain sexual
more » ... onad) matunty after a rostral carapace length (RCL) of between 38 and 47 mm is reached. The size at onset of oviposition (spawning) was estimated as 59 5 mm RCL.
doi:10.3354/meps057083 fatcat:xnrvitftgbck5fqmkxl2w27ybe