Characteristics and Frequencies of Alternative Initiation Codon(AIC) of mtDNA ND2 in Five Pig Breeds
돼지 5품종에 있어서 mtDNA ND2 유전자의 선택적 개시코돈의 특성과 빈도

2004 Journal of Animal Science and Technology  
Alternative initiation codon(AIC) has been reported in the mitochondrial genes in various mammalian species. We investigated the AIC of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene(mtDNA ND2) in five pig breeds. Two kinds of initiation codons(ATA/ATT) showing different frequencies among tested pig breeds were used. While all Large White pigs had ATA as an initiator methionine codon, all Landrace pigs had ATT. The other breeds(Berkshire, Duroc and Hampshire) had both initiation codons with the ATA
more » ... quencies, 91.9, 21.3 and 60.0%, respectively. In the previous reports, all Chinese indigenous pig breeds were identified to have unique initiation codon ATA. Although the effect of AIC on the translation of mtDNA ND2 has not been studied in this study, AIC patterns in mtDNA ND2 will contribute to the maternity test using molecular markers in pig breeding. (
doi:10.5187/jast.2004.46.6.903 fatcat:mg6arjrhbrfbjakahv3nnkwt2i