Blockchain technology in energy markets – An interview with the European Energy Exchange

Rainer Alt, Erik Wende
2020 Electronic Markets  
What is the impact of blockchain technology on electronic markets in the energy sector? In this interview with Electronic Markets, Dr. Tobias Paulun, chief strategy officer of the European Energy Exchange (EEX), explains where the leading European energy exchange recognizes potentials of blockchain technology compared to existing electronic platforms and which blockchain projects EEX is working on. In his view, the impact of blockchain technology depends on the respective market segment and on
more » ... he availability of solutions for safeguarding guarantees of origin. He expects that established exchange systems and blockchain-based systems will coexist in this strongly regulated and specialized industry. Personal details Tobias Paulun studied electrical engineering with a focus on energy technology at RWTH Aachen in Germany. After completing his Ph.D. in engineering, he finished a second doctoral degree in economics and was involved in several industrial studies and research projects, in particular in the field of grid planning for power and gas transmission system operators. In summer 2009, he joined EEX Group, where he is now responsible for the strategy department and has been on the Management Board since 2015. This includes, in particular, product development and corporate strategy aspects (such as cooperations and mergers), as well as political and regulatory communication. Energy exchanges: Enablers of global energy flows Energy or power exchanges are businesses that operate wholesale markets for buying and selling electricity (Andoni et al. 2019). They are neutral electronic marketplaces that provide efficient means for facilitating the trade of short-and longer-term energy products (e.g. electricity,
doi:10.1007/s12525-020-00423-6 fatcat:w7kce3gkm5alhahpvkosn6ay3y