Ontology-driven Advice and Decision-making within Knowledge Dissemination for Extension

Yuriy Chaplinskyy, Olena Subbotina
2013 Procedia Technology - Elsevier  
The agricultural production management is a notably complex phenomenon, which requires consideration of heterogeneous aspects of production, environment and human life. One of the main factors of increasing productivity and improving quality of agriculture is the spread and introduction of modern science-based technologies, application of modern technology for rural development, increasing knowledge and practical skills profitable entity. This paper has been present approach for dissemination
more » ... agricultural knowledge and information using ontology-driven advice and decision-making. Presented approach support farmer's activities and give possibilities of support integration of advice and decision-making processes; interdisciplinary integration of agrarian information and knowledge; access to the information and applications, outgoing from needs and competence of the user; reliable, scalable and safe architecture; integration of resources.
doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2013.11.058 fatcat:rnqobzu3hfbapjrkjclfxsl7tm