A Content Analysis of Jesus Merchandise

Wendy Hirdes, Robert Woods, Diane M. Badzinski
2009 Journal of Media and Religion  
Despite the growing popularity of Jesus merchandise in Christian retailing, little attention has been given to nontraditional religious media such as Jesus merchandise. The present study examined the persuasive appeals associated with various forms of Jesus merchandise and the primary communication functions that such merchandise fit. A content analysis of 982 pieces of Jesus merchandise revealed that informational and "good times" appeals are the two most common appeals used to promote
more » ... nity. Jesus' name is used in logical or rational appeals designed to change beliefs and promote positive attitudes toward the Christian faith, while Jesus' image is used in emotional appeals. Edification is the most common communication function that fit Jesus merchandise analyzed in this study, with evangelism and public relations finishing a distant second and third, respectively. Implications of using certain persuasive strategies and associating particular values with Jesus merchandise were considered.
doi:10.1080/15348420903091030 fatcat:nx4nnsc3pfgedfg5p6ykguppdm