Confessions of a Flawed Liberal

Rebecca A. Brown
2005 Good Society Journal, The  
A "ticket of admission" for the Constitutional Theory Discussion Group To continue the theme, not even a cheap seat: perhaps Standing Room Only... My name is Rebecca and I am a flawed liberal. Indeed, I fear I am the person that this Discussion Group is about. I have such consistently liberal positions on nearly all things that a recent online candidate-matching test placed me at a 100% overlap with Al Sharpton. I voted for McGovern, for Dukakis, and only reluctantly for Clinton because he was
more » ... oo centrist for my taste. Ted Kennedy has never out-lefted me. I care first and foremost about individual rights and the protection of liberty from encroachment by overzealous and ungenerous majoritarian institutions. Yet -when it comes to the First Amendment, my sterling liberal credentials show a bit of tarnish.
doi:10.1353/gso.2005.0025 fatcat:h7itnfzi3jbivengdnjx7fktm4