RHIC beam components impedance analysis with MAFIA

H. Wang, W. Guryn, H. Huang, D. Trbojevic
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268)  
The RHIC CNI polarimeter chambers and Roman Pots of PP2PP's detector have been simulated by a 3D electromagnetic field code MAFIA [1] to calculate the narrowband shunt impedance and the beam parasitic loss in frequency domain. The field profiles in high order modes (HOMs) of the polarimeter were then confirmed by bead-pull measurement. With an optimum design, the shunt impedances for both components are under the limits set by the coupled bunch instability consideration.
doi:10.1109/pac.2001.987198 fatcat:hu7bviwrlrcr5jasdo46ukfjq4