Term clustering of syntactic phrases

D. D. Lewis, W. B. Croft
1990 Proceedings of the 13th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR '90  
Term clustering and syntactic phrase formation are methods for transforming natural language text. Both have had only mixed success as strategies for improving the quality of text representations for document retrieval. Since the strengths of these methods are complementary, we have explored combining them to produce superior representations. In this paper WC discuss our implementation of a syntactic phrase generator, as well as our preliminary experiments with producing phrase clusters. These
more » ... xperiments show small improvements in retrieval effectiveness resulting from the use of phrase clusters, but it is clear that corpora much larger than standard information retrieval test colIections will be required to thoroughly evaluate the use of thin technique. (Cl 1990 ACM o-89791-408-2 90 0009 385 $1.50
doi:10.1145/96749.98244 dblp:conf/sigir/LewisC90 fatcat:tkqtomnwa5h3bjisppgdyzcoqa