The Rationalization through Comparative Analysis of Price Fluctuation Adjustment Method
물가변동 조정방법의 비교분석을 통한 합리화 방안

Seong-Hee Kim
2012 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management  
A Ab bs st tr ra ac ct t There are index adjustment method and item adjustment method in estimation methods for price fluctuation rate of public constructions. A relevant regulation has put item adjustment method as a principle, but in most construction, contract sum adjustment has been made by index adjustment method. Hence, this study, by figuring out width and causes of the gap between index adjustment method and item adjustment method through direct comparative analysis, solved inequality
more » ... used by difference between them and suggested a rational way against irrationality of each method. For building operations of public housing construction, a detailed fluctuation rate by index adjustment method and item adjustment method of construction cost elements of the same construction, that is, direct material cost, direct labor cost and historical construction cost was estimated to analyze difference between two adjustments and establish its cause. Across the analysis, it was found that fluctuation rate by item adjustment method was estimated lower than that by index adjustment method and difference between methods for estimating fluctuation rate of quotation unit price and application of index unrelated to construction type and construction nature are main causes of the difference. This study has a significance in that, for smooth contract sum adjustment between contracting parties, it practically proved the real difference between adjustment methods by conducting comparative analysis of the difference in direct correspondence way.
doi:10.6106/kjcem.2012.13.1.067 fatcat:e72fgbsjxvbddj4wia2gjd2rpa