Content authentication of halftone video via flickering as sparse signal

Chao-Yung Hsu, Chun-Shien Lu, Soo-Chang Pei
2012 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing  
We investigate the issue of content authentication for halftone videos transmitted over mobile devices. With an eye to the flickering that is the unique characteristic of halftone video and possesses the property of sparsity, a compressed sensing (CS)-based halftone video authentication method is presented. We show that the restricted isometry property (RIP) in CS can explain the principle of hash matching between two CS-based hashes. Promising results obtained from simulations demonstrate the feasibility of our method.
doi:10.1109/icip.2012.6466846 dblp:conf/icip/HsuLP12 fatcat:xnfph6qo5rcu7m2sj4qj6cih2m