Evidence based practice and its importance in nursing students

Vijaya Kumar S, Thoudam Kheroda Devi
2018 Journal of Management Research and Analysis  
Evidence based practice constitutes one of the most important professional qualities in Nursing. Evidence based practice is the practice in nursing in which interventions are given to patients based on the current available evidence. Nurses are the one who plays a main role in improving the safety and quality care for the patients in providing the care and treatment facilities not only for the hospital even in the community also. Nurses need to know certain technique and should take a main step
more » ... in proving the meaningful treatment to enhance the best outcome for the patient. 1 The aim of the study was to find out the knowledge level of the final year B.Sc nursing students regarding evidence based practice and its importance in the nursing profession. In this quantitative study a self prepared fifty questionnaires was administered among the sample of 400 students to find out their knowledge level on evidence based practice. The data collection procedure was done in selected eligible Nursing institutions at Bangalore. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of the participants. Collected data was analyzed to draw the better conclusion and effective results. The finding reported that in the pre-test, most of the students participants had insufficient knowledge on EBP and few participants had only some idea about the EBP and its no one had the enough awareness about the importance of EBP in the nursing service In today's health care setting all the patients expect the good and quality care for their safety and early recovery and it is purely based on health care providers especially nurses who practice with the evidence.
doi:10.18231/2394-2770.2018.0056 fatcat:a7dxts2strezvfx4css2sid7ee