Spatial Analysis of Rural Economic Development Using a Locally Weighted Regression Model

Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, Christopher D. Clark, William M. Park
2007 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review  
This study uses locally weighted regression to identify county-level characteristics that serve as drivers of creative employment throughout the southern United States. We found that higher per capita income, greater infrastructure investments, and the rural nature of a county tended to promote creative employment density, while higher scores on a natural amenity index had the opposite effect. We were also able to identify and map clusters of rural counties where the marginal effects of these
more » ... riables on creative employment density were greatest. These findings should help rural communities to promote creative employment growth as a means of furthering rural economic development.
doi:10.1017/s1068280500009424 fatcat:nxz6loh3anfenehq7oh3xd62z4