Key Parameters of Breakwater Layout in Muddy Port of Lianyungang

Qixiu Pang, Tianjin Research Institute of Water Transport Engineering, National Engineering Laboratory for Port Hydraulic Construction Technology, Key Laboratory of Engineering sediment of Ministry of Transport, P. R. China
2017 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
the methods to determine the key parameters of the breakwater layout, such as the direction, and the position of breakwater head, need to be verified and improved by more projects. Therefore, breakwater of Ganyu Port Area of Lianyungang Harbor was selected to be an example. Results show that breakwater direction can be determined mainly considering the wave prevention and water flow regulation, and position of breakwater head may be mainly based on the planar distribution of suspend sediment
more » ... centration (SSC), particularly the SSC under the action of strong wind wave, as well as the location of surf zone. Further, the schemes of breakwater layout need to be optimized by means of numerical models and physical models. Finally, the breakwater layout determined using these methods also needs to be verified with the field data investigated after the Starting project. The results have proved that the layout determined by the methods is really reasonable. Hence, the methods to determine breakwater layout might be as reference for the design of other new breakwater. Index Terms-Breakwater layout, breakwater head, breakwater direction, Lianyungang.
doi:10.7763/ijet.2017.v9.994 fatcat:awcyqfktw5grpcqnlzscu2w2uq