A mindtool-based collaborative learning approach to enhancing students' innovative performance in management courses

Chih-Hsiang Wu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Fan-Ray Kuo, Iwen Huang
2013 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology  
<p>Educators have indicated that creative teaching is the most important educational activity; nevertheless, most existing education systems fail to engage students in effective creative tasks. To address this issue, this study proposes a mind map based collaborative learning approach for supporting creative learning activities and enhancing students' innovative performance. An experiment has been conducted on a university management course to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
more » ... he experimental results show that the proposed approach significantly enhanced the students' innovative performance in a project-based learning task. Such a finding not only provides evidence of the cultivability of innovative thinking, but also good references for those researchers who are interested in conducting creative learning activities.</p>
doi:10.14742/ajet.163 fatcat:dhcpqzc7tfgolpdcppgcjg544e