Research of Hydrochemical Properties of Hyporheic Zone along the WeiHe River in Shanxi Segment

Nan Zhang, Hong Jiang, Shu Li, Pan Zhang, Xiaohui Su
2017 Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection  
By sampling the undercurrent belts of riverfront, shoal and riverbed at Xianyang, Xi'an, Lintong and Huaxian in Weihe basin of Shaanxi province in the summer and winter of 2014 and analyzed the water chemical character through Piper trilinear chart, This thesis has come to the following conclusions: (1) PH in shoal range from 7.42 to 7.98, and in riverfront, the average is 7.58, present alkaline. The TDS in riverfront is higher than that of river water, it range from 506.5 to 824, 616.06 mg•L
more » ... in average. (2) All of the water at riverfront, shoal and riverbed under the influence of carbonate. The concentration of ionic concentration at shoal is between riverbed and riverfront, by contrast, it close to riverfront. This result means the shoal recharged by both surface and river water, and the groundwater recharge is more conspicuous than surface water. Besides, from upstream to downstream, the two kinds of main ions ( 3 HCO − and Ca 2+ ) have little change in the same river, it related to such factors as river evaporation, the exchange interaction of surface and underground water and so on.
doi:10.4236/gep.2017.56020 fatcat:mhplpcxu65e3db3zinmjdv7tlq