Effectiveness of coproscopic concentration techniques

V. Taglioretti, N. Sardella, M. Fugassa
2014 Helminthologia  
The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of the concentration techniques of flotation-centrifugation with zinc chloride (FZn) (δ = 1.45) with the spontaneous sedimentation (SSed) and the sucrose flotation-centrifugation (FSuc) (δ = 1.2) to recuperate gastrointestinal parasites from camelid fecal samples. The technique with more positive results for the detection of Nematodirus sp., Trichuris sp., strongyle-type eggs and Eimeria macusaniensis oocysts was the FZn. For
more » ... s sp. and Eimeria macusaniensis, the higher coverglass counts were detected by FZn procedure. No significant differences were registered among centrifugation flotation techniques for Nematodirus spp. Coverglass count for strongyle-type eggs was significantly higher for FSuc than FZn (p = 0.0005) or SSed (p = 0.0005), being also significantly higher for FZn than for SSed (p = 0.008). FZn is a sensitive technique that allows the recovery of parasite elements with high density and it exerts low osmotic pressure avoiding parasite deformation.
doi:10.2478/s11687-014-0231-x fatcat:g6dgpacpkngzrons4wzd4vksam