Cooperative scheduling of multi-core and cloud resources: Multi-thread based mobile cloud computing offloading strategy

Shouyi YANG, Zhaoyang Wang, Lei Yan, Zhuo Han
2019 IET Communications  
Modern multi-core mobile devices are the main application objects of mobile cloud computing (MCC). In previous works, researchers have formulated various heuristic algorithms to solve the NP problem. This work combines MCC with multithreaded computing (MTC) of multi-core mobile devices to avoid NP problems and proposes an MTC-based MCC offloading strategy. First, the authors design an MTC strategy for the application model of cloud computing. Then, they use the data transmission scheme that is
more » ... ynamically adjusted according to the fading channel state. Finally, based on the MTC strategy and the optimal data transmission scheme, they obtain the MTC-based MCC offloading strategy through a linear time searching algorithm. Simulation results show that compared with the local MTC strategy and the single-threaded MCC offloading strategy, the MTC-based MCC offloading strategy can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve the computing ability in multi-threaded applications. Nomenclature Symbol Specific meaning status is good g G channel gain when the channel state is good Q total number of time slots D data size to be transmitted P GG channel state transition probability s data size transmitted in a unit time slot n parameter for transmitting energy P scheduling strategy A i calculation amount of the A core W i ′ equivalent calculation of i period UP best upload point DOWN best download point U set of input data size for each period W set of equivalent calculations amount for each time period
doi:10.1049/iet-com.2019.0270 fatcat:hstartnzojd43e3gkugh5zbzs4