Determining the chromatic index of music

D. Politis, D. Margounakis
Proceedings Third International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music  
Musical diachrony and synchrony have revealed an incredible variation in musical scales, many of which are implied, lurking in traditional patterns and not adequately transcribed in their projection to the dominant Western music predicates. From antiquity the term "chromatic" was used to determine the coordinates of diversification in terms of psychoacoustic perception of music, and it yielded relatively recently the chromatic scale as a fine-tuning aberration of Western music to acoustic
more » ... rphism. In a globalized environment of musical distribution the proposed chromatic index serves as a classification norm for musical genus alternation.
doi:10.1109/wdm.2003.1233880 dblp:conf/wedelmusic/PolitisM03 fatcat:knumgznmz5emnh43pzvcci2why