"Rutucharya: A lifestyle must follow to increase immunity."

Shrilaxmi G. Savadatti
2021 Ayurlog: national journal of research in ayurveda science  
Ayurved is Anadi and Anant shastra which deals with restoration of health of Healthy person and also of the diseased person. For maintenance of healthy life as we all know Ayurved Acharyas has given first preference and described treatment for diseases. For restoration of health i.e. Swasthya rakshan Acharya Charak has given 1st Chatushka name as Swasthya Chatushka in Sutrasthana. It includes Dinacharya, Sadavritta and Rutucharya. Rutucharya includes description of seasonal changes of rutu,
more » ... ct on doshas, ahar- vihara to be taken and ahar-vihara to be avoided. It is the lifestyle changes to be adopted as per the seasonal changes. This description if followed prevents dosha vitiation and preventing diseases.
doi:10.52482/ayurlog.v9i02.832 fatcat:rihn5merlrfyhepqpvymhb34d4