On the top-quark width measurement using a combination of resonant and non resonant cross sections

Alexey Baskakov, Eduard Boos, Lev Dudko, D. Melikhov, I. Volobuev
2017 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Top quark width measurement is important and complex task. Most measurements are done in assumption of the SM top quark interactions. We would like to discuss model independent way of measuring the top quark width. Experimental accuracies of the top quark fiducial cross section measurements from 2% to 10% may allow to put constrains on the top quark width with 6% to 29% precision. Simulations Model-independent constrains on the Higgs boson width can be done from comparison of the on-/offshell
more » ... gions. Importance of the off-shell region in Higgs production first time was mentioned in [10]. In paper [11] , the method for deriving model-independent upper bound on the Higgs boson width
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201715804007 fatcat:kxu5v74fu5avvpjtyakheaizxa