ICT-supported end user participation in creative and innovative building design [chapter]

P Christiansson, U Dybro, K Svidt, K Pedersen
2010 eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction  
In this paper we describe an ICT-supported method, VIC-MET, to support innovative and creative end user participation in the building design process. We also describe the actual process used in the development of VIC-MET. The method was developed in cooperation between university and two major engineering and architectural companies. Experiences from design of the two companies' new headquarters were used as input to method development and they have as well provided cases for method
more » ... The method supports user involvement in every phase of the design and construction process and with an individual setup depending on design context. VIC-MET has validated the need for enhanced methods to involve end-users of buildings in a collaborative/participative, creative and innovative building design process. The industry partners also appreciate the development, enhancement and extension of existing methods for user involvement in the building process.
doi:10.1201/b10527-18 fatcat:a5i7ylpyaze67pzlo46fqokdty