Condition Monitoring of the Uncoated Carbide Cutting Tool in Turning Process of the Aluminum Alloy 6061 via Vibration

Othman Inayatullah
2017 Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)  
This study have been conducted in an attempt to monitor the changing of tool wear caused by increasing the cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate. The signal processing analysis was done on the raw signal, the vibration signal then which is analyses by using MATLAB software. The relationship among several parameter of vibration signal, such as energy and maximum amplitude with cutting speed and depth of cut was studied. The material machined was Aluminum Alloy 6061 and uncoated carbide as a
more » ... utting tool. At the same time, the cutting temperature was also monitored. The results show that vibration signal can be one of the method to monitor tool wear in turning process via in-situ and therefore can be obtained useful for establishing the end of tool life in these operation. Based on the results the suitable speed and depth of cut range was identified to maximize the tool life
doi:10.21533/pen.v5i3.112 fatcat:jsq4qazu6bfmtj7u26obdnkzpi