Speech act in Indonesian language teaching: an ethnography communication study

Dewa Ayu Widiasri, Made Budiarsa, I Nengah Sudipa, Made Sri Satyawati
2019 International Journal of Linguistics Literature and Culture  
The purpose of this study is to identify the verbal form and function of students' speech acts in the classroom, using the ethnographic approach Hymes communication in order to express the way they interact in class. Data was gained from the speech acts of students and teachers during the learning process. Furthermore, this study applied a qualitative descriptive approach. From the results of the study, it is found that the verbal form and function of directive speech acts in classroom were questioning, commanding, and advising.
doi:10.21744/ijllc.v5n5.740 fatcat:zsi67lqagfgk7mfdhjgoev7bcu