The -shit formant of the definite ablative case in plural and its usage in Buzuku's Meshari (1555-XVI century)

Mensur Vokrri
2019 Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies  
APA Citation: Vokrri, M. (2019). The -shit formant of the definite ablative case in plural and its usage in Buzuku's Meshari (1555-XVI century). Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(4), 1215-1225. Abstract This piece of work deals with the form of definite ablative in plural with the -shit formant and its usage in Meshari (1555) by Gj. Buzuku, consequently in the first book of written Albanian language of XVI century. Thus, this work intends to reflect this case formant in all the
more » ... that come from Meshari by Bukuku. It deals with the nature of the definite plural ablative in -shit form in Buzuku's Albanian, defining the character of this case as selfsufficient or not self-sufficient. It will be given a review of the use of the corresponding ablative as prepositional and non-prepositional and it will present further classification of the prepositional use of this case with the used prepositions. The form of the definite plural ablative with -shit formant and its uses will be represented through representative examples, extracted directly from the entire study of Meshari's text. Further, in this case form and for the classified use of it, either as prepositional or as non-prepositional, exact numbers of uses will derive through respective statistics in chart form or graphics. In this way, findings and results that come from the entire Meshari of Buzuku will be discussed, interpreted and arguemented and in any instances these will be compared with the status and the use of particular case forms within the case system of present Albanian language.
doi:10.17263/jlls.668362 fatcat:vhyo5kzgdzh2ppqh6hrmxgjfgm