Establishment of a novel human iPSC line (YCMi003-A) from a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy carrying genetic variant LMNA p.Asp364His

Jaewon Oh, Sun-Ho Lee, Jungyoon Choi, Jong Rak Choi, Sangwoo Kim, Yun-Ji Cha, Hyo-Kyoung Choi, Dongju Won, Ho-Geun Yoon, Sahng Wook Park, Seok-Min Kang, Seung-Tae Lee (+1 others)
2021 Stem Cell Research  
Cardiac laminopathy caused by mutations in the LMNA gene are common and highly penetrant with a poor prognosis. We have generated a novel human induced pluripotent stem cell(iPSC) lines YCMi003-A from a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy associated with genetic variant LMNA c.1090G > C; p.Asp364His. We reprogrammed patient-specific peripheral blood mononuclear cells using five episomal vectors Oct4, Sox2, Lin28, L-Myc, and Klf4. The reported iPSC line would be a useful model for in vitro modeling of cardiac laminopathy.
doi:10.1016/j.scr.2021.102508 pmid:34438160 fatcat:zupjdrs26bbl7jq7bomuiodk3e