Comparison between Ramberg-Osgood and Hardin-Drnevich soil models in Midas GTS NX

Majd Ahmad, Richard Ray
2021 Pollack Periodica  
AbstractThis paper studies the two widely used material models for predicting the dynamic behavior of soils, the Ramberg-Osgood and Hadrin-Drnevich models. Resonant column and torsional simple shear test results on dry sand were used to calibrate and evaluate the model built in the finite element software Midas GTS NX. Both material models are already implemented by the software. This study estimates the ability and efficiency of both soil models coupled with the Masing criteria to predict the
more » ... ehavior of soil when subjected to irregular loading patterns, (e.g., earthquakes), and measure the two most important dynamic properties, the dynamic shear modulus, and the damping ratio.
doi:10.1556/606.2021.00353 fatcat:ytghlkjlvjgfdpnyagthcdtmve